Panel not hidden on remote host

Hi I have recently deployed my website to a remote server. CPanel hosting
However the panel is available. I have cleared my config.php as I was testing with it active.
Is there anything else that could be causing this?
Many Thanks

What does that mean? The Panel is active by default, and you would have to disable the Panel in your config for it not to be accessible.

oh I thought the panel was inactive on remote by default?

from docs?
" As a security measure, you cannot install the Panel on a public server by default. To allow this, you can enable the panel.install option:"

That means a fresh install of Kirby on a public server cannot be taken over by simply opening and creating a user.

When you already have an active panel and transfer this installation to your live server, you have to actively disable the panel to make it unaccessible.

If you need your panel on your localhost, you could make separate configs to make things easier. (

For example: Create a new config file for your live domain: site/config/
This will disable the panel on your live server, but keep the default on your localhost


return [
  'panel' => false
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