How to make a website? I'm searching a better way

Two separate branches only really make sense if they are two states of the same project (for example if your master branch was your current site and the development branch would get new additional features). Since the starterkit is something completely different, it is probably easier to use a completely separate repo for the starterkit. It also saves you from switching branches all the time.

For my understanding:

I can make my website ready for start in the master branch and the development branch I’m using for the future.

If you are starting with version control, I wouldn’t actually use branches at the beginning. You can add them later on. :slight_smile:

Ok. Then I must think easier as I do actually.

This was my fault and the reason why I’m confused.

Should I start with the starterkit or with the plainkit of kirby?

If you want to start from scratch, the Plainkit is the better choice, I think. If you think you can use parts of the Starterkit, then why not use that as a basis.

I have choose the starterkit. So I can learn something and use some code of this.

@lukasbestle with the tutorial I was able to use bitbucket very easy. Now it can beginn. :grinning:

Today I start with the header.php and work from file to file. When the code is ready I will write the css stylesheet.

When I have some questions or so then I will write it again. I want to say thanks again to all. @Thiousi @texnixe @lukasbestle @digisam @chandan124


There are many ways to create a website and I think it depends upon your own requirements. I create websites using:

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JQuery

  • PHP

A post was split to a new topic: Display number of comments and articles in footer

My working process is on going very well. But today I have another question:

I use the ATOM Editor and make me in each file notes like this:

<!-- TODO: ... -->
<!-- IDEA: ... -->

I use this for code parts which needs more information before I can write them down.

Do you use comments like that, too?

Yes I do and then I use the Todo Show package to list them in Atom :slight_smile:

Yes, I use this package, too. @Thiousi

And for things I have to read about I use the Issues-Section in Bitbucket to make me a list of ressources, websites and so on that I need to solve this issue.

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A little update of my working process.

After solving the problems with github I had some time to make step by step of my website ready.

Actually I have created all templates, snippets and many more which I need for my website. Also I have written the code and html structure of the first files like header, footer, special main parts.

I think I will have the first version of my website in a couple of weeks ready - without css and data in the panel. Only the code and html structure.

I can say the documentation is really good and helps a newby like me to find a solution for the things I need.

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It’s time for a little update. :slight_smile:

In the last days I have make the choice to change my working process a little bit. The main reason is to learn more about the different parts of my website.

My new working process is following these steps:

1.) Make a decision which functions I need and write only the PHP-Parts without HTML or so. (inclusive Plugins and so.)
2.) When all PHP-Parts are written I will write the HTML-Structure around the PHP-Parts.
3.) Look where I need Javascript (e.g. jQuery or Vanilla JS or something like this) and write the needed parts.
4.) As the last part I will write the CSS.

This four steps need more time but give me the time which I need to learn more about Kirby, PHP, HTML and more.

The focus on each part let me take my website on a “new level” because I will learn each part easier.