Help with MAMP Install

Hey Y’all,

I have gotten Kirby to run on MAMP, but when I load the website, the thumbnails are missing and the links don’t work via the starter kit. Now typically, I would run the router.php command. On top of that, I’ve tried to install Valet and Valet+, which those always end in error, mainly I think because I’m running an M1 Mac. With that said, I’m super frustrated and would love to begin learning Kirby! Hope you guys can help!

@distantnative posted something on our Discord server the other day regarding installing Valet on an M1, it requires some special love :wink:

Kirby with Mamp on a Mac should actually work out of the box, unless you forgot to copy the .htaccess file or are using Nginx instead of Apache? Or Rewriting is disabled, but shouldn’t be.

Duh! That worked just fine. HTaccess file was not moved over. Oh, Mac OS. Ugh.

Thanks so much!