Can't get started with Kirby and MAMP

I’m new to web development. Kirby sounded easy enough to set up, but I’m failing miserably!

  1. Installed MAMP on Windows (C:\MAMP)
  2. Copied starterkit-master (also tried plainkit) to C:\MAMP\htdocs
  3. Started the MAMP server (port 81, php 7.2.10, tried apache and nginx)
  4. I browse to http://localhost:81/MAMP/ , I see the default MAMP welcome page.
  5. I browse to http://localhost:81/MAMP/starterkit-master : NOT FOUND
    The requested URL /MAMP/starterkit-master was not found on this server.

Your URL should be http://localhost:81/starterkit-master without MAMP in the URL.

Mamp usually works with Kirby out of the box (even on Windows) and doesn’t require any additional settings (unless you have to increase your memory settings or something like that).

Welcome to Kirby. We are always here to help!

That worked, thanks!
I feel silly now :smiley:

Enjoy Kirby :slight_smile:

Hello texnixe! I’m wondering if you can help me as well?
I am working on the same problem but with a Mac.

  1. Download / Open MAMP (free)
  2. Put starterkit-main folder into (MAMP/htdocs/starterkit-main)
  3. Add file path to the folder:
  4. When I hit start I end up on the main MAMP page, so I type in the suggest URL in this thread http://localhost:8888/startkit-main and I keep getting this warning:
    This page is currently offline. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and will fix it as soon as possible.
    Advice for developers and administrators:
    Change the PHP version to one supported by your version of Kirby

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to change the PHP versions?
Thank you in advance!

You need PHP 8+, while your version of PHP is set to 7.4.33, see Get up and running | Kirby CMS

A bit weird that MAMP is set to PHP 7.4, given that this version reached EOL at the end of last year… :woman_shrugging:

@texnixe oh! Thank you!! I also feel silly now too :upside_down_face:

@naomic No worries (and no reason to feel silly), and welcome to our forum, of course.