I’m new to Kirby and have installed PHP and MAMP on Mac. I can access the Kirby installation via localhost://8888/kirby however, I only see a list of files and folders in the browser. When I click on panel I only see files and folders. I downloaded the Kirby starter kit, extracted the files and copied the Kirby folder into the htdocs folder. Kindly let me know if that’s the way to go. Many thanks
Thank you for getting back to me. I copied all files that were inside the Kirby folder into the htdocs folder and typed localhost://8888 but I get a message saying that Safari cannot make a connection.
I use MAMP on my Mac and this is the message that shows in Safari after typing localhost://8888:
Willkommen bei MAMP
Wenn Sie diese Seite sehen, dann bedeutet dies, dass MAMP erfolgreich eingerichtet und gestartet wurde. Sie können jetzt Ihren Web-Inhalt hinzufügen, diese Platzhalter-Seite1 sollten Sie ersetzen bzw. löschen.
Alight, I see. I just followed your instruction. I moved all the files inside the starter kit to the htdocs and typed localhost://8888 and I’m seeing the same message.
I’ve tried to install Kirby on my webhost but received the following message:
The panel cannot be installed
The panel installer is disabled on public servers by default. Please run the installer on a local machine or enable it with the panel.install option.
* The config file is optional. It accepts a return array with config options
* Note: Never include more than one return statement, all options go within this single return array
* In this example, we set debugging to true, so that errors are displayed onscreen.
* This setting must be set to false in production.
* All config options: https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/system/options
return [
'debug' => true,
return [
'panel' =>[
'install' => true