Failing to resort panel page order

I have a folder on my site that’s currently up to 230 pages. At one point the site failed to reorder itself when I added a new visible page at the top, and the problem has only compounded from there. At this point, I can drag & drop pages into some sort of order, but what happens after that point is anyone’s guess. Here’s a screenshot of page 1 right now.

Is there some way I can kick this ordering back into place. Ideally the ordering I want to maintain is most to least recent, which is what happens on the front end just fine with sortBy(). but unfortunately the backend is really hard to figure out.

Oh, that’s isn’t supposed to happen.

Could you please make a screenshot of the page’s content directory? Also, have you tried logging out and logging back in or using a different browser?

You can use the flip option for this.

Could you please make a screenshot of the page’s content directory?

Sure thing.

You can use the flip option for this.

Cool, if I can get the structure working, I’ll add new pages to the end of the list and then use flip on the view.

Hm, that looks a bit messed up. Some IDs are duplicated, which is valid but not so great.
I didn’t run in this issue so far so I’m a bit out of ideas.

The only possible solution that comes to my mind is to either rename the folders manually so that the IDs are consecutive or to delete the IDs alltogether to resort them using the Panel again.