What front end text editor does everyone use? Or what's best to use for Kirby?

Hi there,

I’m eager to implement a more robust front end editor for people to use to edit and format text which is being posted.

I hoping that you may have a suggestion for what to sue for Kirby? I’m not 100% sure what’s exactly needed for the site only that I need more options then currently available in the starter kit.

I believe I can create my own through Javascript? But it would be pretty cool if I could get a plugin to do the work instead :smiley:


I don’t know of anyone on the frontend but here is a list with a few on the backend:

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Ah right well maybe my wording is wrong :slight_smile:

This is what I was looking for. Back end to me means like coding and databases. While front end is anything the user sees including admins who are also users :smiley:

Thanks for this, I was trying to work out how to install ckeditor from their website and I was a bit stumped.

Ahh. For me backend is the admin/panel and the frontend is what you see when not logged in.

I hope you find what you are looking for.

I hope this isn’t too much of a rookie/annoying question but where exactly do I copy the content to?

The read me says:

clone inside your project /site/fields/ (maybe rename directory to “ckeditor”)

The guide from the kirby site suggests I do a structure like so:


Does this mean I should create a folder called ckeditor/assets and then a css, js and image folder and put any file that fits those into them?

Then you should probably add it like this:


And the rest of the files there as well. It’s a field, not a plugin. :slight_smile:

Right, thank you I’ll give that a go. I sort of crashed my site huehue :smiley:

I love the Visual Markdown editor because it gives editors a familiar interface, while still using and storing content as Markdown. I’ve found the features it offers are enough for most of my clients.