Shop in Starterkit-Master integrieren

Hallo liebe Community,

ich teste gerade die Umgebung von Kirby mit dem aktuellen Startkit-Master.

Bisher gibt es hierbei keinerlei Probleme. Allerdings möchte ich versuchen, die Seite des Shops einzufügen. Hierfür habe ich die Templates, Blueprints, Sections, etc. sowie es auf der Webseite Shop | Kirby CMS dokumentiert ist, hinzugefügt.

Allerdings wird mir nach dem erstellen und öffnen der Shop-Seite die Fehlermeldung “The JSON response from the API could not be parsed. Please check your API connection.” angezeigt.

Gibt es hier Erfahrungen, die mir weiterhelfen könnten?
Bzw. Kann ich denn überhaupt einen Shop auf dem Starterkit-Master integrieren? Oder geht es grundsätzlich nur in den lizenzierten Produkten?

Danke euch im Voraus!

No, you don’t need a license for testing Kirby and the installation is not changed when you buy a license.

Have you created the shop page in the content folder?

Please note that the forum language is English…

I’m sorry for that.

Yes, I created a shop page.
And i can see, that a shop folde has been created in the _drafts folder.

The blueprint expects a published shop page, not a draft (otherwise, you would have to change the parent page query, using'shop') instead. Try publishing the page and check if the error persists.

Well the API-error doesn’t persist anymore.
The title and the option bar is available but there is now the message “This page has no blueprint setup yet.”

Check if the shop’s page content file is really called shop.txt. If you created it from the Panel and didn’t change site.yml, then all pages are created with the default blueprint.

That is because the create options is set to the default template… You would have to remove that option and also allow the shop template under templates.

the shop.txt exist, but it still lays in the _drafts folder.

I have already changed the site.yml. i commented the create line out and added shop to the templates line. so that is why i even can choose the shop template when creating a new page.

Hm, I’ve lost track. Didn’t you say you published the shop page?

So what i probably meant is that i can create / add / publish a new page with the shop template. More or less. I can choose the shop template after deleting the “create: default” line in the site.yml.
In the panel the shop-page shows the status “blocked” with an red stop icon. I can go to the shop panel page but however there was the API error message and now there is the no blueprint message.

I do not know if this is helpfull. But i can’t describe it in a better way

Could you post a screenshot of this?

There it is. I can open it but however there is no field oder textblock where i can edit it.
Screenshot_2020-07-02 09_06_45

And this is the second picture, when i open the shop page!
Screenshot_2020-07-02 09_06_26

Ok, the shop.yml has status: false, so that you cannot change the page from draft to published. Please set the value of this option to true, then change the page status to published by clicking on “Entwurf”.

The problem here is that the blueprint setup sort of expects that you create the page manually and after that, the status should not be changed anymore. But if you create the page via the Panel, it must be possible to change the status, otherwise the whole rest doesn’t work as expected.

I changed it. And i can change the status in the three different status.
However there seems to be a problem with the blueprints.
Screenshot_2020-07-02 09_26_12

But the status is still red, it should be green. Looks like you haven’t changed it.

I changed it like this:
Screenshot_2020-07-02 09_29_48
or should i delete the codeblock?

Yes, but you then have to actually change the status of the page in the Panel, by clicking on “Entwurf” and selecting published.

So i have change it into published, is that right?
Screenshot_2020-07-02 09_33_47

Yes, but looks like it still doesn’t have any blueprint… :thinking:

Is it possible to refer on a blueprint in the shop.yml or is there anywhere a codeline which refers on it?