I have some comments on the Kirby version 2.4.0 code.
To show everything in one example, I picked out the webpage de/ueber-uns of the Kirby Langkit, but most is the same with the Kirby Starterkit, if I use it with German language:
are coded in xhtml (the lines end with " />" instead of “>”).
My next look is on the line
<title>Kirby Sprachen-Kit | Über uns</title>
namely the creation of “Über uns” in the snippets file site\snippets\header.php, which correctly is displayed as “Über uns”. It is coded as <?= $page->title()->html() ?>, which is fine.
I think the code of $field->html() ignores, that Kirby generates “short” html5. If I process $field->kirbytext()with the same field I get the short “Über uns”.
Please change the Kirby code of $field->html() to get “short” html5 output (no Html entities for German Umlauts etc., use UTF8 instead).
Ad 1: The trailing slash is optional in HTML5, but I guess we might as well remove it.
Ad 2: I can’t reproduce this, maybe an issue with your server config?
Ad 3: data-code is a custom data attribute used for CSS content: https://w3c.github.io/html/#custom-data-attribute
it’s a shame that I — as the creator of the Starterkit — am late to this topic.
I took a look at your feedback:
On 1: Like @texnixe already said, the trailing slash is valid HTML5, but I removed it for consitency as Kirby omits it everywhere else.
On 2: It also happens on my test server. The HTML excape function used by the html() field methods internally uses the toolkit’s html::encode() option. As that function internally uses htmlentities(), which produces html entities for special characters. But I agree, that entities are unneccessary for every HTML character outside the ASCII charset. There are 2 possibilities: use htmlspecialchars() within the header snippet file instad of a field method or to change the field method in one of our next releases. I don’t know if there are characters which could cause trouble when htmlspecialchars is used to escape HTML or if there are any other drawbacks. Maybe one of you knows?
On 3: This was a left-over from a development version that displayed longform language names on desktop and short language codes on mobile. We removed that functionality, but forgot to delete the superflous code. Thanks for your hint.
I fixed 1 and 3 and pushed the changes to the repositories of starterkit and langkit.
Ad 2: I don’t understand why $field->html() and $field->kirbytext() render differently for the same field content in relation to Html entities or UTF8 for German Umlauts.
This affects all Kirby installations with 2.4.0.
In fact, both functions are responsible for totally different things and the implementation of each one does not have very much in common with the other one. While kirbytext() keeps HTML tags and parses Kirbytags (and Markdown), while html() strips HTML tags and also encodes special characters. But as long as you don’t want to edit the HTML output by hand, this is more an aesthetical issue than a technical one. It will only become an issue, if you want to strip HTML tags from a string to use it in a non-HTML file format, where HTML entities are not supported.