Macotuts - Tutorials and more for Kirby

Thanks for your feedback Andi! I have a secret dream that maybe some of the great plug-in and custom fields devs we havr in the community will want to contribute their own tutorial about making amazing fields and plug-ins! I’d very much like to see that happen!

On a separate note, we added three tutorials to the site today, not quite advanced, but hopefully still helpful!

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I regret that macotuts tutorials are not avaible since a while. Do you plan to re-open the website ? If not, could you share tutorials on github for example ?

I’m afraid Macotuts project is completely abandonned. @Thiousi has to dedicate 100% of his time to his new job.
Website is offline but ready to be used if someone would restart the project.

@anon3573533 I wouldn’t mind helping to resurrect this. I have a pretty fast VPS I can host it on. Feel free to DM me if interested.

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Macotuts was really helpful and I hope to see these tutorials back online !

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@Oziris What is missing from the Kirby docs? Your input to improve the docs is always welcome.

As the website is not online I can’t say. But I remember some tricks for alternate, or formspree, was a good start for a beginner like me. But the most important thing was the french language ! And very well explained.
I’m not questionning the docs ! Kirby docs is the best !

@Oziris Can’t help with French, I’m afraid, because my French is limited to understanding it a bit. But whenever you come across something that is missing or that could be explained better for beginners or improved in any other way, just let us know and we’ll try our best.

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