Hi, I host my Kirby 3.0 website on Heroku and it’s going great so far.
I added “panel install => true” to my config file, which enabled the panel to work on Heroku.
Unfortunately, everytime I push my local changes to Heroku, I always have to install the panel (create a new account) when I browse to mykirbysite.herokuapp.com/panel (example).
Can anyone help me out?
Aren’t accounts are ignored by the gitignore file? Is it a good I need to push them to my private github (which automatically deploys to heroku)? I can make an account when I browse to the panel and everything works fine, BUT I have to start all over again (with the panel) once I push a tiny change to the config (for example).
Content wise, the panel accounts are the only ones that keep disappearing.
Well, if you deploy with Git and the accounts are ignored in your .gitignore file (as they should normally be when using a public repo), they will disappear with every push, unless you put them outside of the repo, using Kirby’s custom folder setup. Not sure, though.
I have a private github repo though, is it recommended to just push the accounts there (easy solution)? There are only encrypted passwords to be found in the files, right?
Hm, guess the stuff needs to be backed up somewhere anyway, and a private repo is probably just as good a space to do this as any other. Meaning: There is no guarantee for nothing.
Yes, the passwords are encrypted, the email addresses aren’t.
I’m just encountering this with a client inclined to use Heroku. It does seem that any use of the panel is a no-go barring an additional storage solution.