today i just purchased a second license for another website… since both websites will only differ in domain-name and content-folder, my idea was to have same site folder.
Is it possible to have two licenses in the same folder? i tried to register one after each other. but the .license file was overwritten each time.
The license is written into the config folder, therefore I guess you need a different config folder for each site (put that folder together with the content folder).
Of course that folder then needs to also contain your config file (if you have one), and if you want to keep that “DRY”, you could always copy a config file that just returns the values of a global one:
well… there is a possibility for multisite configs in the same configfolder… that makes only sense if the same goes with licenses… or did i oversee something? =)
I think that feature is intended to support “the same site in different environments”, like: a config file for testing, one for staging, one for production.
Not so much for “different sites in the same environment”.
now, since i managed the license-question, i got new questions…
is it possible to rewrite base for multiple sites? reason: every site has now urls like domain.tld/subfolder/... for everything except pages… so for the the media and assets.
that makes it difficult for some urls pointing to "/assets/..." maybe this is bad coding behaviour… but there are plugins that use root folder as base… in my case “lessphp” of thezero theme throws: File /var/www/html/assets/app/custom/app.less not found.#
in Line 2793 /var/www/html/site/plugins/lessphp/lib/Less/Parser.php
whenn enabling style compiler. and also assets are not found, because url generating of css, js etc. is now broken… @mrfreedom any idea on this?
Yes, site/theme/snippets/less.php is using realpath linking. Some people suggested it, because of issues in some environments, so I whent along. Just change it.
Open that file and at the top you will see
// Using 'realpath' seems to work best in different situations.
$root = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../..");
Just change the code before Less library activation.
now… everything in multi-url setup works…
but i still would prefer to hide subfolder of each domain…
is it possible to rewrite base for multiple sites? reason: every site has now urls like domain.tld/subfolder/… for everything except pages… so for the the media and assets.
Because i choose a very generic title for this thread… i push my own thread with another question =)
In this multisite Setup i try to add a new editor-profile for example site/theme/blueprints/users/editor-dl.yml
how to restrict those user roles to a panel of a specific domain/site? if i enable this role… it is enabled for all sites… and those users are able to log into every site and have same userrights on all sites… thats not wanted.