Kirby multiple websites questions

You have a syntax error, you assign a value to $gethost instead of comparing.

 if ($gethost === '') {

But apart from that, I’d do it like this, because you only want the editor-dl role in one project:


$blueprints = [];
if (Url::host() === 'select-test.test') {
    $blueprints['users/editor-dl'] = __DIR__ . '/blueprints/users/editor-dl.yml';
Kirby::plugin('gdt/case', [
    'blueprints' => $blueprints

thx a lot… this seems to be a good start…

if i assign the role on one project… i get a “nobody” role in other projects… i will think about a solution that enables option to assign a user to a selection of projects

It’s a pity that kirby does not have a user-rights-management… but just a role-management.