Kirby Licence Bug?

Could we stop the off-topic discussions now? :slight_smile:

@RDR What happens if you rename the site back to its old name? Does the license warning disappear again? Also, could you please check if your license is displayed in the “site options” inside the Panel?

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Sorry - won’t do it again.

May be we should make a Friday Night Community Lounge topic, where every one can gather and chit / chat :wink:

Woops… of topic again - will quit now!

There’s a secret category just for that. Apparently it’s too secret. :slight_smile:

Note: This category is only visible to users with trust level 3/users that are very active in the forum.

Hi lucas, sorry for my late reply. Changing the subfolder name back didn’t solve the problem. Strange…

Site options:

Kirby Information
Toolkit Version: 2.3.1
Kirby Version: 2.3.1
Panel Version: 2.3.1

Kirby Lizenz
You are using the Kirby trial version
Please, buy a license ›

Did you remove the config.php file by accident maybe?

Nope, config.php is where it belongs and set up properly!

Can you add another option to the config, like change the panel language and verify that it’s taken into account?

I’d try to re-upload the kirby and panel core folders …

config.php seems to work: I set error as my home page and it worked.


Then I suggest doing what @texnixe advised. Sometimes, it’s like turning your computer off and on again :wink:

Haha :grinning: I thought about posting the exact same image yesterday! I’m re-uplaoding the core as we speak…

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Here is my panel


FTP – here you see kirby/panel core where just updated

The your license probably isn’t valid anymore :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and you have to buy a new one … It’s a trick, you know.

(just joking…)

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Does the license show up on your localhost?

Could you post your config.php? Without the real license number, of course.

Or re-upload the whole site to a new folder.

Ok, this is getting embarrassing… I don’t have a localhost. :no_mouth:
My config.php:



License Setup

Please add your license key, which you've received
via email after purchasing Kirby on

It is not permitted to run a public website without a
valid license key. Please read the End User License Agreement
for more information:

c::set('home','error');  // test suggested by @Thiousi 
c::set('K2-PERSONAL-zg87taw00v87wt8t8awt78tw');  // not my real key


Kirby Configuration

By default you don't have to configure anything to
make Kirby work. For more fine-grained configuration
of the system, please check out


It should be:

c::set('license', 'put your license key here');

Anyway, off for a little bike ride …:bike:

OH BOY :open_mouth: I’m so sorry.

…Enjoy your ride, you deserved it.

You can remove your license from your post now :wink:

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Check his comments in the code :stuck_out_tongue: