Hi - i´am wondering!
Have upload my kirby-project folder on web server and he makes nothing?
By nothing, I assume you mean you just get an empty white page? How have you installed it, in a subfolder or in the root? Pls. check the following:
- did the .htaccess get uploaded as well?
- does your server support mod_rewrite?
- have you checked the error logs on your server?
- if you installed Kirby in a subfolder, have you tried un-commenting the rewrite-base in .htaccess?
- you may want to set debugging to true in your config.php (
c::set('debug', true);
hallo texnixe,
this is my config.php - i think it´s wrong? can you make it better for me? thank you!!!
<?php /* --------------------------------------- License Setup --------------------------------------- Please add your license key, which you've received via email after purchasing Kirby on http://getkirby.com/buy It is not permitted to run a public website without a valid license key. Please read the End User License Agreement for more information: http://getkirby.com/license */ c::set('license', 'K2-PERSONAL-****‘); /* c::set('debug', true); /* --------------------------------------- Kirby Configuration --------------------------------------- By default you don't have to configure anything to make Kirby work. For more fine-grained configuration of the system, please check out http://getkirby.com/docs/advanced/options */Looks like there would be an unclosed comment - started by the /*
before the c::set('debug', true);
. Not sure cause the forum formatting could also just mess it up, but if there is indeed an opening comment sign /*
without a matching closing comment sign */
, you might want to remove that even if it isn’t the source of your problem.
Otherwise it looks good.
Except: You might not want to post your license key that publicly.
I edited above post to remove license info
hallo texnix - with this config.php it down´t run?
can you correct it? please . . .
oh thanks - you to perfect . . .