is there some kind of licence problem if we publish our website in a public Github repo?
Of course we wouldn’t store stuff like the panel and licence key there but the Kirby Core would be accessible for the public.
Just want to make sure we don’t get punched by @bastianallgeier
I’m not a crew so I can’t really tell. What I can tell you is this. It seems to be quite common with repos that includes whole the full Kirby with some additions to it. In that case they provide information that it’s Kirby CMS and that it’s not a free product. I’m not aware of anyone getting punished for it.
I’d say the same as @jenstornell, fact is, Kirby is all over the place (and publicly downloadable) and as far as I know, nobody’s got punched until know, have they @bastianallgeier? Of course, you should in any case link to the Kirby repo and provide license information. But even though I’m part of the team, don’t take this as legally sound advice…
You could also add Kirby as Git submodules, then you don’t publish a copy of the code.
Of course you still need to add license information to the README.