Kirby 4 is here!

Awesome! I’ll give it a whirl and attempt to update some existing sites to find out how much more I can do now in Kirby 4, and how much work I’ll need to put in to make them work :smile:

Looking forward to the show, Bastian!

Dear kirby team,

What happened to the cute chameleon names? Are they gone? :cry:
Makes me really sad!
Merry Christmas btw. <3

PS: This thread is tagged as “Kirby 3”! :smiley:

It’s just the headline for our release. Not the official version name.

Jupp, that “new era” thing was intended to be a joke =)
So, You’ll stick to version numbers only in the future?
No more release names, or were the chameleon species also just headlines?

We haven’t really discussed this to be honest. The launch phase was so intense that we never really even thought about the chameleon names anymore. It wasn’t super intentional. I always liked them. But we decided to no longer use visual references to the chameleon and so it quietly vanished. Maybe we bring the release names back later. I’m not sure yet.

Just wanted to jump on here and say you all did an amazing job on Kirby 4, I’ve updated a couple of sites already and have received very positive feedback from clients, all the while the update process was also very smooth. 2FA support for the panel is especially wonderful. Thank you. :sparkles: