Is there a need for a kirby-based Shop System?

Hello everyone,
at first a big thank you for everyone that contributed to kirby. I am so pleased about this system.

My name is Max from Munich, Germany and in the last years i developed the website for a project of mine using a very simple PHP Based MVC Framework and a self-developed shop system which had the main goal of being much more simple and structured then the “big players” in the e-commerce world.

I fell in a deep love with kirby now that i am recreating our site and since i had very nice results i am thinking about developing our Shop System as a Kirby plugin, maybe in addition to a shop theme. Anyway the main features of our system right now are:

  • Article-Types with a variable key and values (f.e. size or color)
  • Storage Controlling
  • Possibility to use “numbered” Articles (f.e. Concert tickets), with the functionality to set an amount of numbers, which are automatically assigned to an order. In Addition you can block Numbers or set Numbers on a black List for the later output (f.e. as a Black List for the entrance of a concert)
  • Bootstrap 3 based template for all pages, prepared for full-responsive behaviour
  • Integration of Pre-Payment, Direct Bank Transfer and PayPal
  • Downloadable Articles
  • Integration of a nice shipping workflow
  • Generate Billings as a .PDF directly out of the System or use the Integration of the FastBill API
  • Generate Post Stamp Sticker for the shipping directly out of the System (DHL Account needed)
  • Optional Feature: No Login or user System needed, every order generates a unique hash, which is accessible without login. The Data is secured since the hash is only sent to the user himself but not user accounts or data needs to be hold after the shipment.

So my general question is: If i would make this accessible and grant a free-license to testing in any way and a small fee for using it (Let’s say 9.99 Single Price including 6-Month of Support) - would any of you guys be interested in using it? This would make the job much more motivational.

P.S.: Sorry for possible language mistakes, i’m not a native english speaker.

Anyway, you will most likely hear more from me here the next months, most likely with some results. :smile:

You may wanna have a look at this topic: Commerce Plugin - interest?

Maybe it’s an option for you to get involved there instead of starting a complete new shop system?

Thanks! Could have found that myself… i will have a look at it, maybe i can just get in touch with the folks instead of continuing on my side.

Well, yes, but this project has been put on hold:

Just saw that and in addition it seems that there is clearly a need for this. I will keep you updated, thanks for the feedback.

Yes, it would be really cool to have a shop system for Kirby that is easy and safe to use. +1 I would willingly pay for such a solution for use in a client project.

Additional Question: Where are you from? Alone from legal issues the first version will only be usable for the german, maybe in addition european market.

I’m Germany based …

Good to know, just out of interest. Thanks.

Oh. Thanks for the update @texnixe.
And of course, a shop system for Kirby would be great.

As said in the other project, I have probably not enough time atm to create one completely by myself. But I would be still very much up for contributing in the creation of a kirby shop system.

Nice. I will most likely create a repo and invite you, especially for tricky problems it’s always nice to have someone looking into it, also if it’s only for feedback.

This can help you get started. :wink:


If you are willing and desire to take over the original Git project/organization I started, I will gladly transfer ownership. Then you would have, and could continue, all the quite valuable preliminary discussions we had. Plus there’s a tiny bit of code.

I may even be able to contribute bits and pieces at some times, but it’s not something I could commit much to.