Installation problem on SiteGround

SiteGround touts their ultrafast php, could this be part of it? I did find supercacher and it was saying nginx…Sorry if these are not related.

We run on an in-house implementation of Linux Containers with Apache as a web server and Nginx as a reverse proxy. " – source: SiteGround Uses Innovative and Empowering Technologies

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Could you try and comment the route part in your config?

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under support for languages?

Yes, exactly

  // Support for language detect option
    'routes' => [
          'pattern' => '/',
          'action'  => function () {
              $session = kirby()->session();
              if ($session->get('languages.detect', false) === false && option('languages.detect') === true) {
                  $session->set('languages.detect', true);
                  return kirby()
              return page();
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Done but no change that I can see.

Since it worked on your old server, I’d contact Siteground’s support. There was someone else having a (different) issue on Siteground a couple of days ago, and they could sort it out via the .htaccess.

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Thank you. I’ll look for that other thread as well and see if there are any clues. You rock!

If i get it solved Ill come update this post for future generations :joy:

This is the one I was referring to: Missing panel, and images - #5 by philb5000

But as I said, different issue.

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Cleared the cache and that cleared it up.

Thank you all for the amazing support and help. Happy to be here!


Thank you for your consideration @kabukisensei1, don’t hesitate to get in touch when you need help.

I checked your website, you have done a great job by the way. :muscle:
But, please make sure that you turned off Style compiler, it seems to me that website pages load slower than it should be.

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I checked and it is off. I think some of the YouTube JS is slowing it down but that’s how the company wants it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thanks for the compliment :slight_smile: It isn’t the design I would go for myself, but again that’s what they want.

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Check out console log in browser inspector, there are some issues with gtag and app.convertit scripts. That’s what causing a bit slower page load.