Deployment Problems

I’ve been building a project locally for a few weeks, and just got everything pushed to a server with everything Kirby 3 needs.

The main page loads, but none of the other content pages I’ve created using the panel work, and I can’t access the panel (or install it) on the server.

Some progress - I neglected to include the .htaccess file in my initial deploy.

That being said, I still can’t access the panel, and all media files (images) aren’t loading. Any ideas?

When attempting to access the panel, I’m getting the error “/site/sessions” is not writable," though that folder is set to 755. :\

My config.php file is as follows:


return [
    'debug' => true,
    'panel' =>[
        'install' => true

Hmm - maybe I should be more clear with what I’m attempting - I created and worked on a local Kirby install, and I basically want to drag the entire thing up to the remote server and view an exact copy (including panel access, all created pages, media files, users, etc.).

Is that possible?

Do subpages work now?

If the permissions are set correctly, it might be a problem with file/folder ownership.

If you have copied everything to the remote server, including the accounts, you don’t have to reinstall the Panel.

Yeah - subpages are working fine. No panel access or visible images though. :\

Does the media folder exists/get created? Do files get created inside?

I just uploaded the media folder I had locally.

If you remove it, does it get recreated automatically when you open a page with images in the browser? The media folder shouldn’t get deployed.

I manually removed the media folder, and when I try to access the panel I see this:

“The panel assets cannot be installed properly. Please check permissions of your media folder.”

It does not appear to be creating a Media folder automatically.

Then your Apache user doesn’t have rights to write to your file system. As I said above, it is not only a question of permissions but also of file/folder ownership. In many configurations, the files/folders that must be writable must be owned by the www-data user (although that depends on your server configuration).

Ok - I got permissions figured out and my uploaded Media file is going great.

None of the users I created on my local server can sign in via the remote panel. :grimacing:

I think I figured it out - the password .htpasswd files didn’t upload with the user folders (assuming that’s some magical security goodness?).

Probably rather a problem with your upload process that ignores files starting with a dot (since your .htaccess didn’t get uploaded either)?

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