Cant get at /panel, Error page always appear

Hey, I’m running a kirby system on my local testserver. But i cant go to the panel login anymore or into the panel. It always gets redirected to the Error page. Any suggestions?

What is your local environment? Have you made any changes recently, like change PHP version or so? Have you accidentally removed the .htaccess file (do subpages on the frontend still work?)?

It worked everything well after i installed a new php version. No my .htaccess file is where it belongs. No subpage works either right now. One step closer but i have still no clue where the solution might lie.

That sounds as if URL rewriting was disabled on your server, which is a requirement for Kirby to work.

Oh ok anscheinend lag es daran das mein Kirby Projektordner groß geschrieben war. Ich wusste nicht dass das in der URL einen Unterschied macht? Kann man das in der htaccess ausstellen?

That surprises me a bit, because in that case, the site should not have been reachable at all.

Some operating systems are configured as case-sensitive, some aren’t., so that makes a difference and your best bet is to stick with lower-cases folder names in general.

On a side note: The language on this forum is English.