Images are broken

After transferring the site to a new server, all generated images became broken :sob:

  • I set 777 permissions for the media folder (and the pages, panel and site folders were created, so it’s really 777)
  • I added the correct path to ImageMagic in the config file

No ideas what else :frowning:

By the way I have related (I suppose it’s related) problem: I use the Editor plugin in the project and /media/plugins/index.js is 404 too (and it returns The field type “text” does not exist )

What does that mean? Are the thumbs generated at all? Or generated incompletely?

777 is not a great idea…

I mean that an images folders inside the media folder are created. But it have only the .jobs folder without images

777 is not a great idea…

What you can recommend?

Security | Kirby CMS, usually 755/644.

Do thumbs get created if you set the driver to gd instead of im in your config? (I’m off for today…)