so Im putting new content from the panel. As I upload an image im getting this broken image icon and the rest of the images of the site also get this icon when in the website.
is this related to the permissions in the server? any help would be appreciated…
Are the images actually uploaded to the page?
What do you actually output on the frontend? A thumb like in the Panel, or the full image? Maybe there is something wrong with the thumbs. Are you using the default gd library or imagemagick?
Full image.
How do I check if im using default gd library or imagemagick?
Adding to this: I change the post to published and change its position ( it was 20 and I change it to 1) all the images also disappear form the page. but the text stays.
also the images that had a thumbnail appear to be broken after doing that.
Perhaps @texnixe you can direct to so me page that explains how to setup the permissions (chmod) in my server for the kirby panel folder?
If you have nothing set in your config, then you use the default gd library, provided that extension is enabled in your server setup.
But if images do not show up in the frontend either and you are not using thumbs, then maybe the media folder is not writable or readable by the Apache user. However, in that case the media folder should be completely empty, please check.
And make sure that permissions are set to 644/755 and that ownership is set to the Apache user.
Ok I just erased the media folder, waiting for it to be recreated. however now while looking at the site/cache folder look what I found:
Does this mean I have been security breached?
That does look fishy. When you delete the cache folder, does it fill up with this rubbish again?
How do you deploy your website? Make sure you are not using any insecure FTP connections.
We are using SFTP to connect
I just deleted the whole cashe rubbish.
Im still getting the broken link icon and the image does not display in the front end
Again, is there anything in your media folder? What does it look like?
Media folder was created after is was deleted. With the json files of thumbs
Ok, so that means that the media folder is writable. Then check with phpinfo()
if the gd extension exists and is enabled.
Indeed is not installed, but this extension If I installe it i would get the front images links correctlyi displaying or this will only solve the thumbs in the panel?
[0] => Core
[1] => date
[2] => libxml
[3] => openssl
[4] => pcre
[5] => zlib
[6] => filter
[7] => hash
[8] => json
[9] => random
[10] => Reflection
[11] => SPL
[12] => session
[13] => standard
[14] => sodium
[15] => apache2handler
[16] => PDO
[17] => xml
[18] => bz2
[19] => calendar
[20] => ctype
[21] => curl
[22] => dom
[23] => mbstring
[24] => FFI
[25] => fileinfo
[26] => ftp
[27] => gettext
[28] => iconv
[29] => exif
[30] => mcrypt
[31] => Phar
[32] => posix
[33] => readline
[34] => shmop
[35] => SimpleXML
[36] => sockets
[37] => sysvmsg
[38] => sysvsem
[39] => sysvshm
[40] => tokenizer
[41] => xmlreader
[42] => xmlwriter
[43] => xsl
[44] => zip
[45] => Zend OPcache