I’m proud to release the first public beta of my ImageKit plugin for Kirby today. Although the plugin may seem simple at first glance, this has been a long ride. It started about 2 years ago, when I was using WordPress for my private blog. Unhappy with the built-in thumbnail API, I decided to go for something better. After the work on my WordPress plugin was almost done, I switched to Kirby and decided to start from scratch. The plugin grew very quickly and became some kind of monster, including everything from a widget to an extensive image component with support for lazyloading.
After the large amount of API changes, that came with Kirby 2.3.0, I had to adapt a lot of my plugin’s code to keep it working. So I took only the best parts of it and decided to go for a more modular approach this time. Today, I released the first component – the asynchronous thumbs API – on GitHub. I also decided to make ImageKit a commercial plugin, so I will hopefully be able to provide better support for it.
I’m excited to hear your feedback and hope you enjoy ImageKit!
ImageKit for Kirby CMS
ImageKit provides an asynchronous thumbnail API for Kirby.
WARNING: This software is currently available as a beta version. Be careful, if you use it in production, as it may still contain some bugs.
NOTE: This is not be a free plugin. In order to use it on a production server, you will need to buy a license once the final version is released. I’m still thinking about how much to charge for a license, but it will be easily affordable for anyone who can afford a Kirby license.
Current version: 1.0.0-beta1
Key Features
- Image-resizing on demand: Kirby’s built-in thumbnail engine resizes images on-the-fly while executing the code in your template files. On image-heavy pages, the first page-load can take very long or even exceed the maximum execution time of PHP. ImageKit resizes images only on-demand as soon as they are requested by the client.
Security: A lot of thumbnail libraries for PHP still offer the generation of resized images through URL parameters (e.g.
), which is a potential vector for DoS attacks. ImageKit only generates the thumbnails whose are defined in your page templates. - Self-Hosted: Unlike many other image-resizing-services, ImageKit just sits in Kirby’s plugin directory, so you have everything under control without depending on external providers. No monthly fees. No visitor data is exposed to external companies. tl;dr: No bullshit!
The plugin will be extended by a responsive image component in the future with support for lazy-loading and placeholders (like on https://fabianmichael.de). These features will be released as a separate plugin, but you will only need one license to use ImageKit and the image component.
Full Readme and Download: GitHub