Hi. I can’t seem to be able to install the starter kit. I have been following the tutorial on YouTube, but keep getting their error: Warning : Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Fatal error : Unknown: Failed opening required ‘kirby/router.php’ (include_path=‘.:’) in Unknown on line 0
Hi! Thxs so much for the reply. Trying to solve this consumed pretty much all my afternoon and well into the evening ydy.
In deed, I was trying to start Kirby using PHP’s built-in server following your YouTube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDVYjxWMecc&t=194s. It all went well until I tried to load a blog template that I got from your website, which I could not do. When I tried to load back the starter kit, I kept getting that error that I mentioned above. I greatly appreciate your help since I have a deadline to put up a web page before the weekend, and I really liked the platform. When I buy the license, will I keep getting that error? Please excuse my ignorance, they might seem very basic questions, but I am no coder or designer.
Hm, adding a template to /site/templates should not cause such an error. But of course, with that little information its hard to tell what went wrong and where.
The router is a file that is located in the /kirby folder which is part of a Starterkit. So assuming your complete Kirby installation is inside a folder starterkit, then you have to go into that folder and from inside that folder call php -S localhost:8000 kirby/router.php
Make sure that folder and the file are still there and you are in the right place when you call it.
On a side note: While using the built-in server is ok for quick tests, in my opionion it pays off to use a proper local development environment.
You are not in the starterkit-master folder, you first have to cd into that folder from your current location, which is /Users/andresizarra. That’s why its telling you that that is your current document root.
Whereas /Users/andresizarra/Downloads/starterkit-master is the location of the project.
Sorry to be such an ignorant, it makes me feel bad. Maybe I need to learn more before stepping into Kirby. I did what you tolde me, at least that is what I think, but it did not work. I do not want to waste more of your time. Thanks for your help.
Then the folder probably doesn’t have the proper permission settings for the webserver user to write to it.
Folder/file rights must be 755/644.
I think you should move your project to another location inside your user folder (not opt), on Mac there is usually a /Sites folder, then point Xampp to that folder instead. That should actually solve this issue.
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
Before, when the Kirby project folder was in htdocs, I got the Magazine page that comes with the starter kit, allthough I could not log into the admin panel