Forum plugin...anyone?


i am looking for a minimalistic and modern forum software… but it seems there is not much on the market.

@bastianallgeier used kirby for the first forum year(s) ago. is this extension discontinued?

Somebody have made a mini forum plugin public?

best regards,

EDIT: found this post: Is it possible to add a forum to kirby?

These made the biggest impression to me:

The last one is not exactly a forum, but a comment service, but it can be used as a forum combined with Kirby pages.

But I agree that there are too few plugins around this topic. Even if it’s a big forum system, a plugin would make it easier to add the forum to the site.

my boss defined a rule: no data on 3rd party servers…period :grimacing:

that’s why i think about making a own one in kirby ATM.


Sounds like a big thing. If you need some kind of Kirby approach seems like a good start. For the users to create topics, you would need to create pages from the outside and use these pages as placeholders for Kirby Comments. Then every page would be a forum topic, kind of.

For a simple forum that would probably work. For more features I would not recommend to build it yourself. It might be a huge thing to create.


you are right. the biggest hiccup would be the user registration/CRUD, double opt-in mail and so on…

i’ve made a comments plugin that adds comments as a structure to a article. Would also work for a forum but the search will not find anything there… have to rethink the problem.

ATM i try to extract the forum part from the github repo mentioned above…

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Yeah, the old Kirby based forum uses pages for questions and answers, which makes it much more flexible and searchable than using structure fields.

No data on 3rd party servers, fair enough. Wasn’t there a self-hosted version of Discourse (don’t know the server requirements…)?

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i like the looks of this one, but its beta (not production safe maybe):

As I already said in the other thread: it’s been in beta state for ages and I wonder if it will ever get out of beta… 0.1.0 beta 6 is the latest release, and that is from October last year!

yes, found it too. looks really cool… but, as you said, still beta.

@texnixe: yep, have seen your post. but there is some movement in the repo at the moment… we’ll see.

Flarum is good. Its “beta” but already it is better than esotalk which is from same author. Esotalk is also great.

Hosting discourse is much harder and its not exactly minimal. There is also nodebb but its node js. Try flarum if it has missing features you need go esotalk. I wouldnt even consider kirby.

I ran esotalk instance for few years.

any thoughts about phpBB?

always depends on what you need.

having the very very basic functions shouldn’t be too hard.

as @texnixe mentioned,

  • page as topic
    fields: user, text, date, tags

  • subpages as reply
    fields: user, text, date, tags

most functions for kirby help you out alot if you just happen to only use classic text bulletin which does not need to check for all sorts of things.

i have done these sort of things for commenting instead of using 3rd party tools as disqus

i know, as i said before: the frontend user CRUD is the hard part here to solve it with kirby and a KISS.