Examples for ecommerce sites built with Shopkit for Kirby?

I am looking into Shopkit for a client project, and was wondering if there is a list with ecommerce sites built with Shopkit, or if anybody has a link to a site they built (or knows of a site built) with Shopkit - both for research and client communication purposes.

Any hints are appreciated!

I found some sites made with ShopKit in the topic Made with Kirby and <3 by searching with “Shopkit” keyword.

Ah super, thanks for the hint. I tried to look for projects that way earlier but it seems I forgot to check the ‘Search this topic’ box. Got it now!

Note that some of these websites might no longer be on Kirby at all.

I noticed one website apparently has moved to snipcart. Is there any way to find out if a site is still on Kirby (or Shopkit for that matter)?