Edit site.yml for add the page template

Heya guys, I started to create a new simple plugin (blog in this case) but i found a big problem, I dont have any possible to change the site.yml for accept the new blog template, any way for change this from the plugin without breaking any other plugin or modifications?


I don’t think the side.php blueprint should actually be changed from a plugin. I think it’s ok if that is a manual process the developer has to do. All local blueprints overwrite a plugin’s blueprint with the same name.

The only way i found is check if any page already exists with a blog template, if not exists create new one invisible, i dont like it but i dont think i have another way to do that.

As @texnixe wrote, the best way to put a note in your plugin readme that the blog template needs to be added to the site blueprint. This can’t be fully automatic.