Regarding my main blueprint template (site.yml). I want the user to have only one type of template when adding a new page. I know that I have to write “template: projets” somewhere in the yml but I don’t know where.
In this example, pages with the three given templates are shown, while users can only create new pages with the default template. You can also set an array of options for create:
- default
- template-a
Yes, you can set the options like this in the blueprint for the error page.
To be honest, when i was new to kirby 3 i had the same problem. I found this solution through googling and it worked.
I’m sorry if I said something wrong here.
Another question concerning the blueprint : how can I change the displayed name of a field without modifying the content of the .txt ?
For exemple, I have this code :
type: fields
type: radio
ligne-i: Début projet - image
ligne-t: Début projet - texte
gauche: À gauche
droite: À droite
I want to change the word displayed in the panel for the field “emplacement”, without changing that word in the .txt (wich I use as a class styled by the CSS).
Any idea ?
Thanks a lot,
all your help since the begining is essential
Thanks I’m not far from ending my first website using Kirby !
Another one… again concerning the panel. In order to make it seems like the website itself, I would like to modify the display of the layout “cards”. Actually it is displayed in a flex grid. Is it possible to set the number of columns of this flex grid ? Or maybe the width of the cards to have only 2 cards by line ?
You cannot set the number of columns in the grid, but you can change the size of the cards using the size property
The size option controls the size of cards. By default cards are auto-sized and the cards grid will always fill the full width. With a size you can disable auto-sizing. Available sizes: tiny , small , medium , large , huge
In the panel, is it possible to set the maximum number of files (images in that case) that a user can upload in a project ? I’d would like the user to be able to upload no more than 1 image / project
In the panel, the replacing function doesn’t work correctly. It open the finder (I’m working on a Mac) but all the files are in grey, unavalaible for upload. It seems like all extensions (.jpeg .png .pdf etc.) are not supported.