Content order automatically changed by its own

I read somewhere that I can force ordering of my content by pre-fixxing the same number. Like


I tried doing that a couple times but the change doesn’t seem to stick. As soon as I edit any page via the panel, all contents would get renamed to random 1 2 3 4 5 instead. Is that the way it’s intended?

Where did you read that? The times i’ve had the same number at the very start, all i’ve got is weirdness in the panel, until i fix the numbering. Kirby will re-number them when you change the order around in the panel.

I see, thank you. I cannot find the source, could just be my incorrect memory :persevere:

Yes, that doesn’t make any sense. You can order your pages by prefixing a number, but what would be the purpose of assigning the same numbers?

My intension was to put them into groups. I’m writing an event list for games which are divided into early - mid - late - end game. I cannot remember all the events so I intended to add more to each group as I continue working.

Is there a quicker way to re-order from within the Panel? I’ve been manually renaming them.

You can assign a category to each event (using a field), then in your template group your events by that category. Or maybe use a date field and then later map each date to a category.

You can assign a category to each event (using a field), then in your template group your events by that category. Or maybe use a date field and then later map each date to a category.