Writer field relative links problem

Hi, I saw a problem with the Writer field relative linking.

For example, I have pages:

  • About us, which has subpages Team, and History

  • Services, which has subpages Individual, and Group

How to add relative link from Group page to History page?

In Writer field only this format works about-us/history

But in Kirbytext for link tag I could use this /about-us/history, or this ../about-us/history (to go one level up).

Please advise. Maybe I am not aware of some features.

There is idea about that


Thanks, @ahmetbora. Thatโ€™s a pretty important feature that is still missing.

Or at least if the Writer field would support /link/sublink, and ../link/sublink.

I totally agree that itโ€™s a must have feature. But storing/parsing/rendering different types of links is not an easy task. I hope we implement it to the core as soon as possible.

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Yes, I know. Integrating Immutable IDs for pages will probably give better possibilities for solving this.