Writer 'link' mark - only external url

Hi! The link-field is pretty cool :slight_smile: however sometimes I just need to add a simple url, without the other options… I can change this within the link-field but not as a mark in my writer field. Is there a simple way to do this, without writing a custom mark as a plugin?

Currently no, the link dialog inside the writer field isn’t customizable via options yet.

hmm ok! I was already figuring that out… Could be a nice/necessary feature for Kirby5(?) In the meantime I’ve replaced it with a block-field and two custom fields (url-block, writer block without nodes/marks). It’s for composing a simple ‘thanks to our sponsors…’ text followed by some external-links, excluding the internal links. The client want’s to configure this message in the most flexible way possible :sweat_smile: