Kirby TinyMCE Field
Integrates the powerful TinyMCE 5 wysiwyg editor into Kirby.
All the documentation about Plates template engine is in the official documentation. You can find information in documents about getting API KEY: Quick start
- Download the latest release
- Unzip downloaded file
- Copy/paste unzipped folder in your
type: tinymce
label: "Content"
placeholder: "Enter text.."
height: 750
Option | Type | Description |
apiKey | string | API Key for TinyMCE (required) |
height | int string | Sets the height of the entire editor, including the menu bar, toolbars, and status bar. |
imageAdvanceTab | boolean | Advanced tab to the image dialog allowing you to add custom styles, spacing and borders to images. |
menubar | string boolean | Allows you to specify which menus should appear and the order that they appear in the menu bar at the top of TinyMCE. |
placeholder | string | Adds placeholder content that will be shown when the editor is empty. |
plugins | array | Used to include plugins for the editor. Check out more open source plugins. |
toolbar | string array | Allows you to specify the buttons and the order that they will appear on TinyMCEâs toolbar |
All the values can be updated in the config.php
file with prefixed owebstudio.tinymce.
Option | Default |
apiKey | null |
height | 500 |
imageAdvanceTab | true |
menubar | file edit view insert format tools table tc help |
placeholder | null |
plugins | [âadvlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchorâ, âsearchreplace visualblocks code fullscreenâ, âinsertdatetime media table paste code help wordcountâ] |
toolbar | undo redo | formatselect | bold italic forecolor backcolor | alignleft aligncenter | alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | code fullscreen |
Sample options
// /site/config/config.php
return [
'owebstudio.tinymce' => [
'apiKey' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'height' => 750
Extending the plugin
If you want to extend the TinyMCE instance, you can do it by creating a sample plugin like the example below:
Custom formatting examples
- Content formatting options | TinyMCE Documentation
- Content formatting options | TinyMCE Documentation
Sample plugin
panel.plugin("owebstudio/tinymce-extend", {
thirdParty: {
tinymce: {
formats: {
// Changes the default format for h1 to have a class of heading
h1: {block: 'h1', classes: 'heading'}
style_formats: [
// Adds the h1 format defined above to style_formats
{title: 'My heading', format: 'h1'}