I am using the Kirby 3.2.5 Starter Kit since a few days and found GitHub - getkirby/editor: A new type of WYSIWYG editor for Kirby which I really like to use for my project, but as soon as I enable the editor in ./site/blueprints/pages/note.yml it shows the below error message.
The plugin enabled with the blueprint ./site/blueprints/pages/note.yml as follows
# Define the form layout with two columns
# Columns are optional but help structure the form layout
- width: 2/3
# This columns only has a single field
label: WYSIWYG
type: editor
Anybody here who can point me to the right direction?
# Each page blueprint must have a title, the title may be different from the file name
# This default blueprint is used to display a page in the Panel whenever a custom page blueprint is missing.
title: Simple Page
# Each page can have an icon that is shown in page listings when no preview image is available.
icon: đź“ť
# Page presets are a quick way to set up a standard page layout
# More about page presets:
# - https://getkirby.com/docs/guide/blueprints/presets and
# - https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/panel/presets/page
preset: page
# Custom descriptions of page statuses depending on use case
# More about page statuses: https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/panel/blueprints/page#statuses
draft: true
label: Hidden Page
text: The page is not listed in the main menu
label: Menu Page
text: The page is listed in the main menu
# Limit subpage display to certain templates in a page preset
template: default
# A page preset can have a freely defined set of fields
# List of all available field types: https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/panel/fields
label: Blocks
type: editor
Hmmmm, I think we’re getting closer. index.js can’t be loaded from route /media/plugins/index.js. The problem might be the local dev browser(php -S localhost:8001) . Now, I took a docker container and put the hole stuff in it. That works fine.