Page won't load after update to Kirby 3.3.2


my page and panel are white (no content displayed) after loading. I did update from Kirby 3.3.1 to Kirby 3.3.2. No changes on the page has been made. Additionally I did update the editor plugin to latest version.

What I did check:

  • PHP version 7.2.18 (Win 10)
  • php_error.log file shows no errors
  • apache_error.log shows no errors
  • cache directory/folder is empty
  • session files has been deleted (I was logged in during update)
  • /panel and favicon.ico do show HTTP request status 200 (no other errors/warnings shown in Firefox’s network tab)

I did overwrite the Kirby 3 core files a second time to make sure it’s not some byte flipping error while copy and pasting the files in the file explorer.

What could be broken?

Thank you for your help!

Just copied the editor folder to somewhere else. Page does load now. It must be related to the editor update.

Edit: I just logged in, replaced the editor files again and copied the editor folder back to its original path. Now the site works with the new Kirby 3 update and the new editor update. Must be some strange bug in the update path I suspect.

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