Subpages and images not loading, localhost

I am setting up an Arch Linux system. Can’t seem to get Kirby Starterkit to work.

Homepage works without images (all 404) subpages or panel return 404 aswell.

Server is Apache 2.4.41, PHP is 7.3.9, mbstring, mod_rewrite, gd, ctype and curl are loaded/enabled.

Starterkit folder and subfolders are 755, files are 644. I gave group ownership for media/ and content/ to ‘http’ which is the group that the apache user -also ‘http’- belongs to.

I even tried to give 775 and 664 to media and content.

I also restarted apache.

I am out of ideas :confused:


is the .htaccess present in the root of the website?

Rewriting doesn’t work, then. If the .htaccess is there, check if it does have any effects at all, for example, by including an random characters (your site should stop working if the file is not ignored).

If that doesn’t have any effect, make sure to either allow .htaccess overrides or put the configuration from the .htaccess into your server config file.

Ok this was an error in Apache’s config that effectively was preventing .htaccess to load, I shouldn’t attempt this things past 00:00

Thank you

Hi your problem sounds similar to mine, could you post your solution please?


You have to make sure your server complies with kirby requirements, using a php info page if necessary.

If that works, troubleshoot your htaccess file by, for example, adding garbage characters somewhere in it, and see if it returns a 500 error, if it does not, then your htaccess file may not be being read at all.

what are the symptoms anyway?

Is this local or remote ?

Its a local installment on Ubuntu/Apache. Already checked modules on Apache and PHP…everything fine. Permissions are also OK everywhere.
My symptoms are different from yours as I already confirmed .htaccess and the links and pages in general are working fine. Its only the links to the media-folder which are broken. The version hashes that are being generated don’t match the ones of the already created files in the media directory which is true for a brand new starterkit-installation also. There are also no new media assets being generated even when I empty or delete the whole folder. crying

A post was merged into an existing topic: Media version hashes dont match / media dir does not regenerate files

A post was merged into an existing topic: Media version hashes dont match / media dir does not regenerate files