Structure field width not working in panel

This is my blueprint:

title: Home
pages: false
    label: Title
    type:  text
    label: Halftextboxes
    type: structure
    width: 1/2
    entry: >
	    	label: Header
	    	type: text
	    	label: Text
	    	type: text

The problem is that the fields are now half width but anyway they are under each other.
Is that a bug or do I do something wrong?

Should be like this, with the width applied to the sub-fields instead of the structure fields

    label: Halftextboxes
    type: structure
    entry: >
	    	label: Header
	    	type: text
                width: 1/2
	    	label: Text
	    	type: text
                width: 1/2

This aint doing nothing. : (

Hm, I’m using that in a blueprint and it works:

What version of Kirby is it that you are using?

I am using the latest version.
Do you use structure fields? with normal fields it work for me too.

Yes, the example screenshot I posted above is from a structure field with the width of β€œ1/2” applied to the date and time fields within the structure field. But I’m sorry, I forgot that I had added some custom panel css:

@media screen and (min-width: 50em) {
  .field-grid-item-2-4 {
    width: 50%;
  .field-grid-item-1-4 {
    width: 25%;
  .field-grid-item-3-4 {
    width: 75%;

While the width attribute is added correctly, because of the width of the modal, it doesn’t do anything.

Oh cool.
Where do I need put that custom css?
In panel.css? This css is surprisingly minified, so would be hard to modify it :confused:

I’m not sure if this feature is supported in 2.06 but it is in the 2.1 beta, you can tell Kirby in your config.php to look for a custompanel.css file, e.g.

c::set('panel.stylesheet', 'assets/css/custompanel.css');

And then add that file to assets/css

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It is:

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As @texnixe has already pointed out, you should rather use a custom stylesheet:

c::set('panel.stylesheet', 'assets/css/custompanel.css');

But just to explain why panel.css is minified: Kirby uses sass to pre-process the CSS. So you can find the plain SASS/CSS at panel/assets/scss and int its components subfolder.

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