In a field I’m building I save data like this:
seo-title: Some title
seo-description: Some description
It works fine in most cases. Sometimes I got an error with > (larger than) and adding : (colon) does not go so well.
Because this content is generated by javascript I can escape some characters before they are saved.
My question is… Are there any other characters that I should escape to prevent errors? If you have another approach, let’s hear that as well.
Just tested some cases with and this seems to work:
seo-title: >-
Seo title with : colon
seo-description: >-
Seo description with "some" cite 'and' > larger characters
Pitfalls or alternatives are still helpful.
With it validates perfectly fine.
In a blueprint it trows a notice:
Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in C:\wamp\www\seo\kirby\toolkit\vendors\yaml\yaml.php on line 508
seo-title: >-
åäö llasdas
seo-description: >-
rwerwe wer ewrerte : fsd >
Is it a Kirby bug? It’s the last “larger than” character that causes it. It seems like the problem only appear when the “larger than” character is last in the row.
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Well, even easier: Always wrap the result in quotes and escape any quotes you have in the values:
seo-title: "Some title with \"Quotes\""
seo-description: "Some description"
You won’t need to escape any other characters.
I’ll probably go for that one. Shorter and looks better.
Yes. That’s the most important thing. Forgot to mension it. 
using this topic since I have a similar issue. Suddenly on every panel page appears an error notice:
Notice: Undefined offset: 63 in /kirby/toolkit/vendors/yaml/yaml.php on line 508
It could be a special character issue because it didn’t appear until now and I didn’t change anything in the vendors or kirby files, but how can I know what produces the error?
Are you using the same blueprint on every page?
Could you share that blueprint ?
I don’t know what else could cause this but some issues with spacing in your yaml files. Maybe somebody has got a better idea ?
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Ok, I didn’t know it was related to the blueprint. I re-wrote it and the error disappeared, must have been a spacing issue indeed. Thanks!
Yeah YAML can be pesky when it come to spacing.
Best tip: don’t use tabs, use actual spaces.
If your text editor allows it, show spaces when editing the file so you can see errors as you go