Some thoughts from a beginner

I was not able to use the two free downloads on my server.
After buying a license i got another download with the same size. This one is now running after changing the RewriteBase.

I still have problems to add my usual code for every htaccess:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

The next big problem was renaming of “notes” and “photography”. After so many years of development nobody cares for such a problem, really? I had no idea how to repair the pages till i download the whole web and compare it to the original.

Maybe someone has some clear instructions which files i have to change?
I really dont understand while there is no: if filenameToChange=“Notes”, then “rename x,y and z”,

Is there only one blog-function?
And only one album-function?

Maybe i want to add a link cats and dogs in two album-pages?

Unfortunately there is still a cover-picture in a note, when i dont want one.
That makes less sense to me. Any idea how to stop this? I want to have notes with a cover and others without.

Hm, the Starterkit is mainly intended as an example/showcase and a learning resource, not really as a ready-to-use theme or so.

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So there is no info how to rename notes and photography? Anyway there should be a way to rename these pages, when you need another name for it than planed before.
That should be no magic, i guess.

Can i add a second “notes” and/or a second “photography”?

Also i am wondering that i dont find a large collection of blocks. Maybe i havent find the right pages for that?

You can rename notes and photography via the Panel (under settings you can change the URL).

But note that if you rename those pages, the Dashboard will no longer show these pages, because in the /site/blueprints/sections/* blueprints the pages are referenced under their notes and photography names.

I think for a start it makes the most sense to get an overview about how Kirby works. If you maybe have a background with using a CMS like WordPress, then Kirby works quite differently. There is no “one-fits-all” admin panel, but you configure it to your projects needs.

Renaming in the panel will kill the system, i allready have tried this.
There are many files with name “note” and “notes”;
maybe the best will be to setup a clean system, add “notes” with another name, add “photography” with another name and compare both folders to understand whoch files are needed to be replaced.
Anyway this is a feature that should be implemented like:

if name is changed, do: rename x, y, z.

When i setup a page at tuesday with “blog” and the client tell me at wednesday to use “news” instead of “blog” it should be renamebale in a minute without the need to know which files i have to rename, right?

If you rename the slug of the notes page, you don’t have to rename files, but you do have to rename any references to that page (in particular something like page('notes') etc.

There are other ways to fetch these pages (by template, by an autoid etc.) that are not affected by such slug changes. When I know that a page slug is likely to be renamed, I don’t use the slug to reference such a page.

In a flat file system, you need a way to reference pages. The most basic way to do this is by their id (path in the file system starting at the content folder). This is also the most performant way because Kirby doesn’t have to read the content files.

This is different from a database, where each item usually has a unique id. Kirby currently doesn’t have an AutoId system and we had to rely on the AutoId plugin to add this functionality.

The upcoming 3.8 release of Kirby will have AutoIds built into the core. This will make page references stable.