I am using the Kirby Comments plugin by Addpixel; so far I love this plugin; thank you so much for building it! I have a question, though (also I have added it as a Github issue.)
I’d like to make it so each comment’s folder does not prepend with the comment number, so that the folder is invisible in Kirby. I can figure out how to change the comment folder’s number to being prepended by date (in the comments.yml blueprint). But I need to set the folders to having no number at the front, and thereby being invisible.
Where/how can this change be made?
The reason I need to make this change is that when I use the Kirby search, it is returning Comments as search results (each as their own page). If I can get the comments to be invisible, I can hopefully keep them out of the search results with ->visible()
(as described at the very bottom of the Kirby search tutorial).
@gerritvanaaken Wondering if you would know, since you had originally posted about the Kirby Comments plugin I am using?
Thank you so much!