Question about the license: Upgrade from Kirby 3 to Kirby 4

ich habe eine Frage bezüglich meiner Lizenz: Ist es möglich, meine Kirby 3 Lizenz auf Kirby 4 zu aktualisieren, während meine Website weiterhin unter Kirby 3 läuft? Oder muss ich zuerst meine Website auf Kirby 4 aktualisieren?

Ich danke euch im Voraus für eure Hilfe und Unterstützung!

I have a question regarding my license: Is it possible to upgrade my Kirby 3 license to Kirby 4 while keeping my website running on Kirby 3? Or do I need to upgrade my website to Kirby 4 first?

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

You cannot run Kirby 3 with a Kirby 4 license, so if you do update, you would have to download a Kirby 3 license again.

I think it makes more sense to wait with the upgrade until you actually need a Kirby 4 license.

Before I update the Kirby 4 website and test everything, I need to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Once I upload the update to the server, the website will remain functional for the time being until I update the Kirby license. Is it possible to upload the website update to the server while the Kirby 3 license is active there?

  1. You don’t need a license to test your local updates
  2. You don’t need a license for your staging site (if that’s what you mean with upload the update to the server), which is usually not a site you want to be publicly available but behind some login.

So, you can still run your old K3 website while testing your K4 website like outlined above.

okay, thanks a lot for the clarification