Have K3 license, updated config file, but panel still states I need to update license

In my config.php file, I inputted

c::set('license', 'K3-PRO-XXX');,

where XXX is my license number. Still getting a message on my panel saying I need to upgrade my license. In my config.php file I also have

c::set('debug', true);
c::set('cache', false);

located at the beginning.

Hi @hannahapz,

with Kirby 3 config files as well as license handling has changed.
For the config file have a look at: https://getkirby.com/docs/guide/configuration#the-config-php

In terms of the license, this is now stored in a .license file. For that click on the banner displayed in the panel (the one you describe) and enter your license code. The correct file will be generated.

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Thanks @distantnative. I’ll take a look at the docs. By the way, this is what my banner looks like (top link takes me to buying page, the bottom link is broken; i.e. no place to enter license code).

Oh, then you are using Kirby 2, not Kirby 3. But you bought a Kirby 3 license. If you really want to use Kirby 2 with a Kirby 3 license, I think you have to contact support@getkirby.com.

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This makes sense. Thanks for the quick response. I’ll update the core

Have you developed the site with Kirby 2? If so, there’s a bit more to do than just updating the core: https://getkirby.com/docs/cookbook/setup/migrate-site

I did develop with Kirby 2 - Thank you for the heads up!