Page "test%2test" could not be found

Website works but when i’m in the panel and want to edit a page then I get this message:

Page “instituut%2test” could not be found

link is: https://domain/panel/pages/instituut+test

How to solve this?

Kirby- with PHP 8.0

Hm, does this happen with all pages? Or just subpages? All subpages or just some? Can you reproduce the issue with a fresh starterkit of that same Kirby version?

Given that your are using a very old Kirby version, did this suddenly pop up and if so, after doing what?

I’m not familiar with Kirby. I transferred the website to another server, and everything looked fine until they tried to edit pages.
I can create a page, and it appears in the overview, but I can’t edit or delete it.
Site is:

So it worked fine on the original server, maybe some server config settings.

I’ve updated Kirby to 4.4.1 with PHP 8.2, but unfortunately, the error persists. Can you explain which config file I need to edit?
The old server was hit by ransomware, so everything on it is gone.