Hi All, I’m planning to use Kirby for a few sites I am developing so am currently learning the ins and outs. I have been developing this test site but have run into an issue with loading images from projects. I don’t really understand what’s happening as some of the images are loading and some are not. I’m using the below php loop to create an img for each project to put into a slideshow
<?php foreach ($page->children()->children() as $project) : ?>
<li class="splide__slide">
<img src="<?= $project->image()->url() ?>" alt="">
<?php endforeach ?>
As I mentioned some images load and some don’t, I know the path is correct as I have an alternate part which loads the titles of the projects. I have even tried a direct img tag with src and no php but it’s still not loading some images. I thought perhaps it was the images themselves but there is no discernible difference between them. I have also linked a git with the project with the full files if that helps. Thanks!