Images aren't loading

For a client’s website we upgraded the website to Kirby 3.9. But for some reason some images aren’t loading correctly. Even after emptying the cache and media folder it still won’t work.

An example:
Within the body of text there’s a figure with an image looking for an image in the media folder, but it doesn’t exist. Also the same image won’t show in the panel, but it exists in the folder.

Do you have any plugins installed?

Hm, but it seems that the link refers to an older version of the page:

This is the link in the img tag:

And this is the correct link:

See how the hash is different in these two links.

That’s weird. In the panel the image shorthand/kirbytag (image: ) is used. Maybe the media folder and the cache of the page are conflicting?

That may be. But you wrote above that you cleared the cache and deleted the media folder? Note that the cache and media folder should never be deployed to the server.

Hi Sonja,
Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, I did. I cleared the cache in site/cache and removed all folders in /media.
I just pulled the website offline for a bit and did the same again, sadly. This doesn’t solve it.

It only seems related to the image kirbytag. I just checked if any plugins overwrites the kirbytag, but that doesn’t seem the case.
However, saving the page again with a small adjustment seems to solve the problem.
I don’t know how this works, but I’m glad it’s working again.

Thank you for your help.