Hi there,
I know there are a few issues reported on the forum but I’m not used to it that much. So I would have liked a more precise help.
I’m hosting a webiste at OVH, and using a php 7.4.
Basically, every time I upload an image, I need to reload the page to show it. When the front end is loaded, the image are not loaded either.
As soon as I check the image url, it tells me the image contains an error.
As I reload the page, the image appears completly fine.
I saw here it might be related to the php.ini not loading GD ressources but I have no clue where to check that in the files nor on my server.
Maybe here is my .htaccess but I’m not sure it’s related to that issue.
# Kirby .htaccess
# revision 2020-06-15
# rewrite rules
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# enable awesome urls. i.e.:
# http://yourdomain.com/about-us/team
RewriteEngine on
# make sure to set the RewriteBase correctly
# if you are running the site in a subfolder;
# otherwise links or the entire site will break.
# If your homepage is http://yourdomain.com/mysite,
# set the RewriteBase to:
# RewriteBase /mysite
# In some environments it's necessary to
# set the RewriteBase to:
# RewriteBase /
# block files and folders beginning with a dot, such as .git
# except for the .well-known folder, which is used for Let's Encrypt and security.txt
RewriteRule (^|/)\.(?!well-known\/) index.php [L]
# block all files in the content folder from being accessed directly
RewriteRule ^content/(.*) index.php [L]
# block all files in the site folder from being accessed directly
RewriteRule ^site/(.*) index.php [L]
# block direct access to Kirby and the Panel sources
RewriteRule ^kirby/(.*) index.php [L]
# make site links work
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php [L]
# pass the Authorization header to PHP
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
# compress text file responses
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/json
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
My case is related to this one
On the forum, I saw you need to add that line to your nginx config,
error_page 404 /error;
but I’m pretty sure i’m running on apache and in my phpinfo, GD is running.
I also regenerated the media folder, checked any weird things in the config.
(Here is the config maybe I missed something?)
'debug' => false,
'panel' => [
'css' => 'assets/css/custom-panel.css',
'slug' => 'admin'
'routes' => [
'pattern' => '/',
'action' => function () {
$album = pages('projects')->children()->shuffle()->first();
return go($album->uri());
Thanks a lot for the help.