No access to panel via Mobile Phone

Hello there! I am successfully testing my first Kirby site.

Problem: I can not access my panel via my smartphone. It works on my ipad and on any computer but on my Galaxy S7 it just logs in and logs out instantly.

So when I enter my credentials into the login mask and click the button, it loads and I see the empty mask again.

And yes, password is the right one :slight_smile: tested it many times.

Can somebody help?

Have you tried with another browser on your mobile?

Have you disabled anything like cookies on your phone?

I just tried Mobile Firefox and it works. But I am a chrome kid… can I fix this on Chrome Mobile somehow?

And no, I did not disable cookies etc.

Bone stock Android Chrome.

Does anyone else have this issue?? :frowning:

Maybe check your mobile Chrome settings for anything that might interfere with sessions.

Quick question, do you have a favicon? There’s a bug with Chrome and php sessions if there is no favicon

Problem still exists … but I found out that Mozilla Mobile works and ALSO chrome in incognito mode works…


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