It’s at the point where it seems to work, but I would appreciate more people actually testing it to find all the small (and hopefully not bigger) issues still existing with it. Would help a lot - and maybe it’s also something for you Feedback is highly appreciated!
Just uploaded a bigger update: the JS is rewritten to make it easier to understand and cleaner in general.
But more important: options are now inserted at the right position when checked. Before they were simply added to the end and on save everything would jump around, now they stay where they are, cause they get already inserted at the right place
Moral Licenses also for the Multiselect field. If you are using the field and it helps you with your work, get one and share a few bucks:
All those options are not really relevant for any everyday use. Readonly should make the field not editable, yaml saves the selected options in a YAML-style list instead of a string with commas as separators. And reload triggers a page reload on a selection change.
All of them originated when I tried to prepare the field as a possibility to use for multiple user roles in the panel – probably I should remove them from a next version of the plugin. Can’t see any value for them in a normal everyday use case scenario.
Tanks a lot for your plugin, seems the perfect tool for a user to select pages in the panel too !
I m strugling to get it working as needed. Does someone know how can i retreive the link + the title of the page from the call with the multiselect in my template ?
As suggested, for the moment I m retreiving pages in my template following the checkbox model :
For the moment, i m just retreiving the URL as a value from the multiselect…But I really how no clue on how to insert a link to each page and the title of the page with the multiselect field…
Well, I guess it s actually not possible as pages are retreived as checkbox values.
Or i m I wrong ?
If anyone has a clue, it would be really appreciated !
I just released an update of the Multiselect field and bumped up the version number to 2.0.0. As the version number suggests, this update changes a few things that can break current setups. You can find it at
Main changes are full keyboard support and that I restructured the field to be delivered as it plugin (which requires Kirby 2.3 - currently in beta). It goes into site/plugins/field-multiselect/. The plugin then registers the field. With the new registry in Kirby 2.3, I believe all third-party elements like fields, snippets, blueprints etc. should also be delivered wrapped as a plugin. This enables us to keep only custom elements that are rather specific to the project in site/fields, site/tags etc.
Requires Kirby 2.3.0
Renamed to field-multiselect (required renaming repository)
Full keyboard support added (up & down arrows)
Rewritten as plugin that registers the multiselect field