I am trying to use a Multiselect field with an autocomplete. I use the proposed code:
label: Category
type: multiselect
type: query
query: site.taxonomy.split
In the panel the field gives me as a proposal type: query and query: site.taxonomy.split
and I can’t enter a new value in the field. What am I doing wrong?
Which Kirby version are you using? What type of field is the taxonomy
kirby 3.7.3.
In fact I would like to use this multiselect to mark images so that I can then filter them in a gallery. I would like this field to refer to itself. So if I try
label: Category
type: multiselect
type: query
query: site.category.split
I have the same problem.
Ok, thanks for the additional info. How options work has been changed in 3.8 and you are using the new syntax which won’t work in 3.7.3
label: Category
type: multiselect
options: query
query: site.category.split
But with a multiselect field, you cannot add new options, for this you would have to use a tags field instead. What I don’t quite get yet is why your are querying the site object. If you are using this field in the file metadata, you probably want to query the sibling files?
Yes in fact I had already tried with a tag field but without success either.
label: Tags
type: tags
type: query
query: siblings.pluck("tags", ",", true)
What is the correct syntax for my version of kirby?
This should work:
label: Tags
type: tags
options: query
query: file.siblings.pluck("tags", ",", true)
Great, it works like this! You saved my day, thank you! 
You can find the 3.7.x documentation here in case you run into other questions: https://v37.getkirby.com/