Maybe a bit off-topic and outside the scoop of this forum, but let’s give it a try…
- I have a corporate website, and I want to publish my cell-number on that site.
- My site-visitors should be able to see that phone-number.
- I don’t want Google / Bing to index it (so my number shows up in every, single search-results; I don’t want that).
That’s why I created this solution;
Kirby-text :
(email:1234567890 text:call me)
jQuery code 1 :
var cell = $(".my-link");
jQuery code 2 :
cell.attr("href", cell.attr("href").replace("mailto", "tel"));
The code above does these things;
- Write down my number
with html-entities. - The
link is replaced by atel
link (so when you click it, Skype or your cell is dialing it).
This works perfect, but I still do have one question - regarding this solution;
How does Google / Bing treat (handle) the html-entities, fired by Kirby?
Does Google / Bing still index the “real” number (123456790
) or only the entities
, or nothing at all
I don’t care if site-visitors see my number, but I do care when everyone (even those who are not visiting it) can see it (in the universal Google / Bing search results).
The reason why I use this “complex” solution, is because my corporate cell-number is also my private-number. And a lot of semi-illegal marketing-companies find it fun to “spam” my number with “offers I can’t refuse”.
So I want to make it a bit harder for them, to harvest the number in their database.
I also tried to obfuscate the number by javascript, but guess what… both Google and Bing do support javascript - so that didn’t work (the obfuscated number was still shown in their search-results - that’s why I am trying this new approach).